
The actual Good Place

Michael: The Good Place is divided into distinct neighborhoods. Each one contains exactly 322 people who have been perfectly selected to blend together into a blissful harmonic balance. Eleanor: Do all the neighborhoods look like this? Michael: No, every neighborhood is unique. Some have warm weather, some cold. Some are cities, some farmland. But in each one, every blade of grass, every ladybug, every detail has been precisely designed and calibrated for its residents. Eleanor: There’s a lot of frozen yogurt places. Michael: Yeah. That’s the one thing we put in all the neighborhoods. People love frozen yogurt. I don’t know what to tell you. (Season 1, episode 1) People have all kinds of ideas about heaven. One idea is that heaven is perfectly tailored to each individual, and is a place where your every desire is fulfilled for eternity. In other words, the fantasy of a two year old: whatever you want, whenever you want it. Another image is that heaven...

The actual Bad Place

Jason: There’s something messed up with this place. We keep fighting with each other. None of the TVs get the NFL RedZone channel. My soul mate doesn’t even know who Blake Bortles is. I know this sounds crazy, but I think we’re in the Bad Place. Michael: Jason figured it out? Jason? This is a real low point. Yeah, this one hurts. (Season 2, episode 2) Tahani: I’m gonna miss these little perks when I’m down in the Bad Place, being forced to wear a knock-off handbag and drink tap water. Chidi: That’s what you think hell is?? (Season 1, episode 12) According to The Good Place , hell is a place demons torture bad people for eternity – and quite enjoy doing it. Michael’s original motivation for creating a fake Good Place was just to spice things up: Michael: The time has come to innovate. The human afterlife can be more fun. For us, obviously, not for the people we’re torturing. Who cares about those dummies? I present ...

Jeremy Bearimy

Michael: While time on Earth moves in a straight line — one thing happens, then the next, then the next — time in the afterlife moves in a Jeremy Bearimy. Eleanor: What? Michael: In the afterlife, time doubles back and loops around and ends up looking something like Jeremy Bearimy. This is the timeline in the afterlife. Happens to kind of look like the name Jeremy Bearimy in cursive English, so that’s what we call it. Eleanor: Sorry. My brain is melting. How can events happen before the ones that happened before? Michael: It’s just the way it works. It’s Jeremy Bearimy. I don’t know what to tell you. That’s the easiest way to describe it. Chidi: OK, but what the hell is this? The dot over the i — what the hell is that? Michael: OK, um, how do I explain this concisely? This is Tuesdays. And also July. Janet: And sometimes it’s never. Michael: That’s true. Occasionally that moment on the Bearimy timeline is the...

Ethics (part 2)

Jason: I am here to learn about ethnics. Chidi: Wow, that’s great, man. I mean, it's “ethics,” but that’s great. Jason: Pretty sure it’s “ethnics.” - - - Chidi: Let’s move on to this week’s main event, David Hume’s “A Treatise of Human Nature.” You read this, right? Eleanor: I did. Well, I tried to. Well, I tried to want to. (Season 1, episode 4) Continuing from part one , here are some factors Christians might take into account when deciding on an action to take. Loving God. The reason God created humans was to love and be loved by him. His people are called the bride of Christ, and he is deeply in love with us. Jesus said the most important command was to “love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength.” That isn’t something we strive to produce; it is a response to knowing we are loved: “we love because he first loved us.” The motive isn...

Ethics (part 1)

Michael: Why don’t you just tell me the right answer? Chidi: Well that’s what’s so great about The Trolley Problem – is that there is no right answer. Eleanor: Aargh! Michael: This is why everyone hates moral philosophy professors. (Season 2, episode 5) Ethics is a foundational theme of The Good Place , and many moral philosophers are mentioned in the show: Aristotle, Plato, Kant, Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Descartes, Thomas Aquinas, Scanlon, Sartre, Hume and others (see this reddit thread for more). There are also references to The Trolley Problem, Utilitarianism, Contractualism, Deontology, the ethics of lying and murder (of Janet (not a robot)) and various moral dilemmas. As a professor of moral philosophy, Chidi constantly questions himself about the right thing to do in each situation, and usually just ends up with a stomach ache. His 3600 page treatise with title beginning, “Who We Are and Who We Are Not: Practical Ethics and Their Appl...

Why judge at all?

Michael: You know how some people pull into the breakdown lane when there’s traffic, and they think to themselves, “Ah, who cares? No one’s watching.” We were watching. Surprise! (Season 1, episode 1) Eleanor: I just want to say once more, for the record, that this whole good/bad system is bullshirt. (Season 1, episode 8) Why should there be a judgement anyway? This hasn’t really been explained in The Good Place (as of season 3), but reading between the lines, the idea may be that there is justice and fairness in the universe, and what you do on earth matters. (Though as Michael has discovered, the system has some major problems). There are two kinds of final judgement according to the Bible: one for people who have accepted God’s forgiveness, and one for people who have not. These two judgements are about very different things. For the second group, the central idea is justice; it will be clear to everyone that God’s judgement is...

Judgement and rewards

Michael: Let’s hear about the tee shirts, please. Eleanor: Eeh, OK. I’ll tell you – but it doesn’t make me look great, so don’t judge me. Michael: That’s literally the purpose of this entire exercise. (Season 1, episode 8) The idea of evaluating a person’s life comes up quite a bit on The Good Place . This is an important theme in Christianity too, but in a different way: not to determine if people are worthy of heaven (which is a free gift and not earned), but as a time of getting everything out in the open. Every person will stand before Jesus individually and answer for the things they did on earth, good and bad. For those who are already forgiven, this isn’t a shameful time of having their nose rubbed in their sins – a terrible lie some people believe – but an opportunity for Jesus to reward his people for even little things they did out of love, and publicly praise them (which will be overwhelming). Those who...